For Monsanto to seek this kind of protection is a clear indication that they know their products are bad.
What is worse now is that Monsanto won't test their products at all before racing them to market.
Finally, now that Monsanto has this advantage, every other corporation will be seeking the same advantage and suing corporations was pretty much the last check we had on corporations available to the average person.
Obama has obviously quite in bed with Monsanto given that he put a former Monsanto executive in-charge of the FDA. Also the Democrats sided against the labelling of GMOs in food products in California's proposition 37 in the 2012 election. No doubt if the label had been applied consumers would have voted with their dollars like they did with rBST hormones in dairy. When I arrived in California milk from cows treated with rBST was common enough, now its nearly impossible to buy or find. Monsanto, once bitten twice shy, pumped millions of dollars into spruiking against proposition 37. Interestingly Obama promised to have GMO food labelled while on the election trail.
Monsanto produce awful products and they know it because they don't even serve GMO food in their own cafeteria.
What I find despicable is that Obama used the cover of DOMA outrage to sign HR 933. Obama signed the famous NDAA on New Years Eve. Obama could have said something about Monsanto getting this rider on HR 933, but he didn't.