And women like Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine who firmly resisted the urge to buckle to the bullying of their republican president, the party of follow the leader, the party of men being manly men and putting the interests of rich white men ahead of everyone else (the way God meant it to be), especially given that Trump explicitly threatened Alaska if Murkowski didn't fold.
That's pretty brave for women to stand up to these men and the money they were likely offered to fold.
Well on this issue anyway they stood firm facing ostracization by their party and perhaps even their voters.
And perhaps that's what had the right so terrified of Clinton - they knew she what she was made of when republicans gruelingly questioned her for 11 hours about emails, Benghazi and leadership - 11 hours! This is a tactic used by police trying to get suspects to confess to crimes they didn't commit so they can close the case.
Voting for a woman may not be the cool thing to do - she's old - she's not a great showMAN like Sanders or Obama or Trump or W or... but she might actually be on your side rather than the rich corporations you've been told she's on their payroll. It's likely she's not and never will be.