There are three types of women, those who think women are of equal value to men, those who think she alone is of equal value to men, or indeed all women are inferior, and those women who sit on the fence. The fence sitters are often feminists because they believe in the equality of women but the 'label' has been so polluted for them and sometimes think it's about taking stuff from men, namely power or that it tries to emasculate men. Of course feminism is not trying to do this. The second role of feminism is about freeing men (and women) from stereotypes, such as the one where they cannot reach out for help, they feel isolated and alone. Often they commit suicide as a result of the stereotype of men just do not need help. Perhaps feminism needs a new name - like people-ism or something.
I think there are two types of women, it seems, 'good' and 'bad' women. 'Good' women are 'good', they follow what society tells them too, they make sure their arm-pits are shaved, they never talk about periods in polite society, they don't have abortions, they shame sluts because they themselves aren't sluts, they are 'good' women and the rest of women are 'bad'.
I'm browsing through facebook posts and I find this article about women not shaving their arm-pits and the women who posted the article were horrified, and women chimed in promising the men they shaved their arm-pits (like any good woman would). Thank god, I thought, a woman who knows how to toe-the-line, she fits in with society's expectation of what a woman should be. Curiously, a number of men chimed in saying they weren't opposed to it although some were. But generally it's a mix, some women are supportive, some men aren't. I don't know why we have discussions about women shaving their armpits - really don't people have better things to think about?
No doubt this 'good' woman makes the appropriate comments about other women's bodies, thinks abortion should be banned, thinks boys will be boys and daughters will be told how to think and feel about abortion and her strictures on the subject is the last word on the subject.
Until all women think all women are of equal value to men, we have an uphill battle in convincing all men we are. Because those men who don't will happily quote some woman like Phyllis Schlafly to say women are not equal as if she was elected by all women to speak on their behalf. Indeed I know men who have told me that something was written by a woman to put women down, so therefore it's true.