These guys doing it for free will no doubt be disaffected former GOP taking their cues from the right, so using your usual channels tell your unthinking minions, sheeple, that something operated by the government, something like prisons or schools are necessarily inefficient because they are run by the government.
They'll chant this mantra day and night, 'government is too inefficient to run prisons', 'government is too inefficient to run schools' and the cool thing about sheeple is they will keep talking incessantly so they don't think about what they are saying.
Next thing is GOP elected politicians will engineer funding so that the program will become unworkable and introduce policies that will ensure the program works worse and worse, such as 'No child left behind', close schools for special needs kids and make sure they are funnelled in with the ordinary kids. They'll need special instructors so it'll cost the schools way more.
People will say stuff like: hey I know someone who went to Cambridge University in England from government run schools, but don't worry, the sheeple will conveniently ignore facts that disprove their beliefs, because they might be able to find one private school somewhere that's cheaper to run than a government run school somewhere.
Next thing is make sure there are reporters to prove how bad the situation is.
Force the government into selling off the prisons, schools which ever you want privatized and voila, you have just set up a new 'industrial complex'. Then when it turns out to be a fucking disaster like the last industrial complex crony capitalists set up, in 30 years time the sheeple will be able to do it again with water, forest land, whatever... we the crony-capitalists want.