Even feminist friendly women will come out and call, for instance, Ann Coulter, an absolute c*t, why? Because she said she was part native American. Calling her names because she may or may not have native American ancestors is bizarre. Don't worry I'm no fan of Coulter.
I think people feel they can express their passionate hatred of women because they think there are no consequences for doing so. So if you've had a bad day you can attack on the internet some woman and feel perhaps momentarily better about yourself because you've paid out on some one who may or may not be worse off than you. And you can do that without fear of consequences pretty much. Because very seldom do people come to the defense of a woman on the internet - I know I am lucky because people have come to my defense on the internet and thank you guys.
But how women talk about other women informs boys and girls and men how they can talk about women. Too many times I have seen guys parroting what women say about other women. If you see people expressing abject hatred for women can you please ask them to stop? Most of the abject hatred is internalized misogyny, especially if you would not say the same about a similar men.
But there is a more disastrous effect of women not defending other women. For instance today a fellow feminist was telling me about the forced sterilization of women in our prison system that was only outlawed in California last year. It seems that this program has specifically targeted women although occasionally men get sterilized as part of plea deals. Can you imagine the outrage if men were sterilized without consent? As heinous as the torture of terrorists was, there was significant outrage. But people get away with doing these kinds of things to women because there are few consequences for doing so.
By all means vote for whoever you want to vote for, I am just suspicious of voting for a man because he's a man. Men promise the world and seldom deliver. Women often promise only what they really believe they can deliver. Although Sanders and Clinton would probably make an awesome team.
As Margaret Thatcher (who saved the ozone layer) said If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.