This man told me men shouldn't marry women or raise daughters who do political hit jobs. Although I am certain that hit jobs against Democrats would be okay.
Yet when I ask how would they feel if Kavanaugh got raped or raped a boy instead, there is silence. But one man who'd told me Kavanaugh is 'good' told me he suspected he'd been raped.
Yes I have sympathy for the guy - but I did say: well no doubt they were 'good' men who raped you, just like Kavanaugh is a 'good' man....
This guy accused me of not having any empathy that all I was trying to do was gain the political win. I told him where is your empathy for raped women?
Time and time again we should have sympathy for male rape victims but none for female rape victims? Why is that? I think it is because men want to believe women want it, or are asking for it... because I think men have the rape fantasy - they want women to rape them, they want to think they are that desirable.
Women don't go through the ordeal of accusing men of raping them unless it is true. There is this myth that women make up rape accusations because they are vindictive, that the sex was consensual but then he spurned her or some bullshit. It is estimated that false rape claims are at about 2%.
Trying to find the occurrence of other false accusations is difficult - anyone would think women have nothing better to do than accuse men of raping them, because even when googling false accusations of theft, identify theft, violence, drug use still give listings for false accusations of rape.
But it is one of those times when men get the benefit of privacy - we still give men the benefit of the doubt because we don't see them doing bad things in public.