If you don't feel bad about whatever dishes up to you, it means you probably haven't been crushed by others as much as others often are.
When I drive with my husband he is unperturbed about winning at traffic lights, feels no need to drive superfast, does't care about overtaking or being overtaken, and whatever goes on in the minds of the oppressed when they feel the need to win at stupid stuff like traffic lights and overtaking the slower cars.
My guess is when you see a white supremacist you see an abused child, or a nurse who looks with derision at the disabled, you see someone who has been treated badly by the medical system.
The thing with a group of people in a minority is that they make a group of people you can get away with giving a hard time to. The people you don't give a hard time are people who you probably won't get away with it, like rich people, the good looking, the famous, older men, white in the west (or otherwise depending on where you live) rich old powerful men will get away with more because they'll be the ones who get away with bad behavior. Have you seen the lengths people had to go to to bring Weinstein to justice and these were powerful women he was raping/assaulting, indeed it seems like it was easier for them to bring Sandusky to justice despite the layers of belief society had to cut through. How many more women are routinely being assaulted/raped that society is still indenial about given how hard it was to bring down Weinstein?
Believing boys over women seems to be part of social hierarchy.
Men benefit from their reputation violence even if they personally aren't violent, because a random stranger doesn't know in advance if this man is violent or not, whether the man is litigious, how violent/dangerous his friends might be... same with women with a man/men, she gains their power via the same assumption. Perhaps this is the basis for the mother/son relationship that Fraud mythologized. Perhaps a woman's son was the first male she knew would truly be on her side and go to extraordinary lengths to protect her.
It's probably safe to give a woman by herself a hard time, she will probably have to suck up being the victim of bad behavior, she will have the choice to get litigious, but a lawyer will probably tell her to get over it, she could get violent, but society seriously frowns on female violence, besides she was likely raised to feel guilty so she will blame herself for whatever you might do to her. (If you don't believe me, just watch 'deadly women' on ID. Other shows on this channel will tell you women who are routinely beaten at home will deny it, so any woman who says she is beaten is therefore lying. (I kid you not!) and they paid a woman to say this piece of disgusting nonsense. So according to this logic, never believe a woman - wtf?)
Fortunately things are shifting. The important thing is remembering everyone is equally important despite possibly belonging to a minority. In any group of people there will be people of all kinds. One example doesn't necessarily apply to all people with a type of characteristics, e.g. degrees of melanin in their skin doesn't mean it's okay to give these people a bad time just because you have been made to feel put upon at some stage in your life. That is the characteristic of a bully.
When we recognize all people as equals we will suddenly be so much less stressed. There will be no need to win at traffic lights and make ourselves feel better at someone else's expense. People don't choose to have how much melanin they have, their disabilities, their gender... just to make other people's lives more difficult. And it should only be a difficulty for you if you choose to see it as such.