Reading what Tuff said was touching, she told him about how hard her life had been and I am left wondering if this is what is key to making people kind? People who know how bad life can be who can draw on whatever it is that gave them strength to get them through the tough patches so they can survive and shine their light upon the rest of us when life is tough for us.
Is this one of the fundamental dynamics of our society is to make life so tough that those who cannot cope commit suicide and those who do survive, become bright shining lights to the rest of us?
There is nothing new to kindness being a solution to many of the worlds problems, today I read This is Water. David Foster Wallace is an example of those who don't survive. He suicided because of depression.
I wonder if there is so much depression because people don't feel needed, or lonely? No doubt, because people will suicide if they don't, assuming they are numb enough to the horror of their own death. But if they aren't quite numb enough, they are very likely feeling depressed. How do we make people like like they are needed and useful after their view of relationships has been distorted by television?
Is this why we give women so much shit, so they can be kind mothers? Because we do dump so much shit on women. And perhaps this is why people like the Dalai Lama thinks western women can save the world. Western men rule the world and it is only us western women who can control our men.