Let's see - rich people have the most time - they can employ as many people as they need to do all the jobs they need done.
But in the life of an average person, women have to carry the bulk of the work raising kids, they have to look good, so thus spend hours in front of a mirror or figuring out clothes to wear and shopping, groom themselves, their hair, exercise to keep fit and thin, then if they work, they have to work twice as hard as a man to be given the same credit as a man.
This means as soon as a woman wakes she has to put on fresh clothes, apply makeup, shower, style her hair, prepare meals for everyone, get the kids off to school, work twice as hard as her male colleagues, then gather the kids from school, do the family shopping, prepare more meals, make sure homework gets done, housework is done, prepare for tomorrow and sleep.
Typically grooming for a man means a shower, perhaps shaving, combing whatever hair they have, and putting on a relatively clean set of clothes. Men have to worry enough to keep clean fresh shirts (but there is even trunk club for that) and if they are single that may mean remembering to use the laundry.
If a man participates in any of the housework, meal preparation, child raising - getting kids from school, getting homework done, dropping kids off at school, meal preparation this makes him an awesome father and husband.
If the woman neglects any of her duties she is a lousy mother and employee.
The man doesn't have to worry nearly so much about his appearance, his clothes, his kids or housework.
The woman has much more to do with her day and men thus have much more leisure time at their disposal.
The same is true for the poor. Often poor people have to work more jobs, often walking to work all these things taking more and more time.
Is leisure time a better measure of our position in the hierarchy? Does time equal power?