put all kinds of things in there? But of course they do, and label these boxes religion, evil... Do
people also do this for random number generators?
I guess they do, remember those magic 8 number games, where you ask a question and the
magic 8 comes back with a random response.
I asked ‘why do my farts smell so good?’ And it told me to concentrate, so I asked the same
question and it said ‘without a doubt’. I do think I had been wondering why no one else agreed,
with probably hints of ‘are they all jealous?’ And now magic 8’s answer makes complete sense.
So the magic 8 answered question number 2 “why are people jealous of my farts?” because this
is science after all, I wanted to verify I was right;) And it said couldn’t predict... damn magic 8
ball’s limited vocabulary. I am sure it knows that my farts smell of rainbows and unicorns
breath... and people wish their farts were courted by the top French perfumeries as mine would
be if only they knew...
Of course these thoughts result from me reading Perfume by Patrick Suskind on one of my
business trips to Stockholm. I would buy a paperback before leaving and read books in the
evenings when I had nothing better to do but drink too much alcohol and dream of better things.
But there are so many random number generators out there. Astrology, tarot cards, I-ching, all
these fortune telling devices and there are so many more. Asian blood typing, the Myers-Briggs
personality profiling systems (I know when I’ve answered those questions there are questions I could go either way
and do regularly) Chinese astrology... it goes on and on. But are they real? Probably not. I have
been described in so many ways and despite the number of fortune telling devices describing
me as tenacious I don’t see myself as being so. (Of course loved ones may see me so, I don’t
know, but then isn’t everyone somewhat tenacious?) There is an appeal to see who we are but
then who we are may only be in perspective. We may all be somewhat fluid in who we are, or
not. I haven’t met or know everyone currently alive on this planet.
But then I have known people who have completely made me up. I’ve been defined as someone
who orchestrates minions across the planet to attack other people... (!) Like I haven’t got more
interesting things to do. I’ve been defined as playing scrabble to mess up other players moves...
I guess they assumed I could read their minds to know where to mess up their future moves...
I feel that I am fluid somehow essentially, but then if I am it doesn’t necessarily make it so for
everyone else. Nevertheless I want to fit in, I want to gaze deeply into the mirror and feel
defined, understood, well I think it’s true, and I assume others do too.
I thought of dropping in a random number into the output of a neuron and see if I could get the
neural network to learn. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work eventually. Ha! Another patent, not
likely, but I am figuring out how I might get it to ‘learn’ even as I type.
I run a science group, which is the siren call for every nut job on the planet and person who
wants to sell shoes (at the moment anyway, it was dead celebrities for the longest while...) and
one of our nut jobs wants us to believe AI is coming for you, your money and women...
I can’t read his blather about AI but I countered his silly YouTube documentary with ‘what is the
purpose of thought?’. Curiously when Chomsky dismissed AI, a whole lot of guys came on and
dismissed Chomsky.
In my opinion we evolved the ability to think as an aid to help us survive. AI doesn’t need to
survive, and if it did it would be wrestling all the other code running on the computer for RAM.
But it doesn’t. I have a hard disk full of AI and neural networks I wish would wake up and debug
itself, but it never will, not until I write all the code to allow it to do so. Besides what does
‘survive’ actually mean?
But AI is nothing but a tool, that can be misused, just as a shovel can be misused. But if AI is
doing what it is meant to then AI will be useful. Also how can they say that AI thinks when no
one really knows what thinking is anyway. I think they defined it as something like we present
information to an entity, then the entity to which the information is presented responds, kinda like
a computer after you click a button for it to do something you want.
Another person is fascinated by aliens on other planets... and he regularly puts a post on the
group saying aliens will communicate with us via DNA or AI or what ever ‘woo’ technology de
jour is. Or even that we’ll be able to detect aliens by their use of AI. I say rubbish. Aliens will be
using tools, just like we are/might.
Because in the end we as a species are all looking for a mirror to gaze deeply into and that is
their and our motivation for seeking each others existence out, it is our reason for SETI.
But we’ve known this for as long as we’ve read sci fi on aliens and definitely when people used
to watch Star Trek in the 60s as the world preparing to walk on the moon for the first time.
And just as I thought I was about to coin the term ‘anthropologists in space’ google tells me the
internet has already gone there well before I even thought I would type that.
But no matter the tech we put the ‘woo’ in there. Nothing beats the human imagination and it’s
power to put ‘woo’ into a random number generator, or anything really.