I just don't like communism. I don't see how it would work on a large scale and I don't see there being a lot of personal choice associated with it.
Also the idea of buying clothes, eating government prepared food, watching TV and movies (yes I am at war with TV, but I am not anti-entertainment per se) made by the government, just sounds wholesome, at the very best. I like the idea of privately grown food (not Monsanto) and wine, I like the idea of people deciding to opt out of society and writing books, or climbing mountains and being free to make choices, if it doesn't conflict with other commitments they've made.
I like options. I like freedom. I like everyone being able to access affordable, good quality healthcare, but I don't like being forced to buy insurance and optimally, the government can provide healthcare much more cheaply and much more efficiently than private enterprise. Can we have both options available? Everyone gets sick sooner or later.
I like the idea of public school being available and private schools being available too.
I like everyone being able to eat and not having to resort to crime or lose their house because they have lost their job.
I like safety nets, I like tolerance of others and difference, variety... I like respect for humans and nature.
I don't mind rich people, but I do mind rich people at the expense of poor people, even in our own society.
I like smart efficient lean government with smart solutions to complex problems. The problem is we don't always know the best solution immediately and have to try different things before we hit upon the right solution. Government must be flexible but not so flexible that nut jobs can come along and demand stupid things and force government to change. For instance, in the US there is the notion of separation of church and state. There are some people who believe in creationism and have changed the definitions of things so much that creationism has been equated to science. It is not science. There is no way to test the theory, unlike evolution. If these people had their way, the US govt would be 'christian'. While I have no problems with people being 'christian' they should not be able to force their beliefs onto other people.
Although I don't know all that's in the constitution (especially those latter amendments) I like the idea.
Government shouldn't be watchdog of the people but kind of like the guardian. The government should be ready to step in if needed or wanted, guarding future generations, protecting the economy and those in the government should take it as an honour to be elected to office because the people trust you to act in their best interests rather than purely as a get-rich-quick scheme. It should protect national resources and ensure all have access to the essentials in life.
And there must be a mechanism to step in when the government stops performing those tasks as it is supposed to, i.e. when it starts benefiting the rich exclusively as is the case now in the US.
This is my first draft written in no more than 10mins (cos the internet keeps distracting me).