If any of the 'charity' actually makes it to the actual 'charity', then its to charities that the 'rich' have been sold on by people who prey upon them and are paid handsomely by the charity to do so.
So the rich feel good about themselves and very little money actually makes it to deserving people.
I came across one guy who proudly spruiked that he gave away $1billion to charity, and i said to him, if you gave me $1billion, I'd fix healthcare in this country. He never answered me. Who knows who he gave the money too but one things for sure, it probably made no lasting worthwhile impact on society.
I am not saying that their aren't worthwhile charities. I think the micro-credit system is good and worthwhile but its not really a charity in that it gives money away, it is a entrepreneur scheme, that teaches women how to run a business and the responsibility with it. But then women are more responsible.
A libertarian one time told me that libertarians would feed the poor, so I asked him how. He rattled off the idea setting up soup kitchens. I suggested that everyone in our street sets up their own soup kitchen cos we were well off and care for others yet the next suburb over where everyone is poor, no one sets up a kitchen. What we need is organization and government is the kind of organization that is suited to figure out how to distribute soup en masse.
It is up-to government to make sure people have homes, enough food, money to pay their bills and access to healthcare. Government gets income via tax and then redistributes the money according to some hierarchy of needs. Sometimes government gets its priorities wrong and that is why we must monitor how government assigns money.
Accepting charity is often humiliating and even more so when asking for it. If the government is offering the money, it is up to the individual to ask for the money in the first place. Asking for charity from a church or other institution almost always comes with strings attached. I am not saying money from the government doesn't come with strings attached, but there are many causes - most don't have sexy sales people like charities do. Of course most corporations asking for money from the government have lobbyists. Perhaps this needs to be remedied.