Towards the end of his journey he wonders whether a black man in America would be able to make it as far as he'd come in the same amount of time. He hopes so. I hope so too.
During his journey he has a few experiences where he wondered whether they were sexual advances by other men. I don't recall him having too many sexual advances from women though.
But I wondered why he didn't wonder about a woman and how far she could have hitched across America without sex being demanded from her. It is likely she would get more rides but it is also likely it would have been a lot more frightening for her, and I suspect that a woman hitching would have sex demanded from her (isn't that rape?)
I know this because I am constantly being asked for sex by strangers (men). While waiting no more than a few minutes for my husband to pick me up on the Vegas strip I was asked if I was 'working' and I was wearing the usual tourist stuff, a t-shirt, jeans, nothing that yelled 'working girl'. I've been walking down a road in sweats and asked if I wanted sex. I assume men are constantly asking women for sex.
McIntyre makes some interesting points, though, and made me wonder if money is actually a way to keep our lives anonymous. Whether money is one way to prevent us being/getting involved in other people's lives. My experience is helping others really benefits us more than those who are receiving the help.
Anyway, back to men, sex and feminism, I saw this on facebook:

For a start it implies all feminists are 'dumb' and the implication that 'feminists' want all women to be hooked up with a man and basically the man has no choice in the matter and finally that women's only real purpose in life is to hook up.
When I look at men I do NOT think of sex. Sorry guys. I can't speak for all women, but in general women are not there purely in case you feel like sex and to scorn in case you don't find them attractive enough. Who cares if you don't find them attractive. Why do you think your opinion is important to anyone anyway?
Did you ever think that neither of these women might find you attractive? The woman on the left is what MSM tells you to find attractive but I believe there are many men who find the woman on the right attractive too.
I don't care what you find attractive.
I don't care what you define as curvy.
Are feminists dumb? There are many feminists and really you can't generalize about us. But of course generalizing is just another way of dismissing us.
The sooner society realizes that men are optional for women, the better for everyone, just as women are optional for men. I am not saying there is anything wrong with men and women forming partnerships but it should be the individuals choice rather than an unspoken law of the universe that women must have a man.