Scientifically, each individual is really a genetic experiment to determine the viability of the individuals genes. Many fertilized eggs die within seconds of fertilization because the genes are not viable. Many fetuses do miscarry and very often without the mother even knowing she's pregnant. But a fetus can die any time during the pregnancy up to and including during birth. Genetically, an individual isn't deemed a success until the individual reproduces successfully. But for most societies, a fetus is admitted into society after successful birth. It is then we accord them legal rights such as citizenship. Although it is arguable they are a human being until they can act civilly in society.
Ask older couples about how difficult it can be for them to reproduce and how much money it costs them so they can. Birth and pregnancy are meant to be difficult because this is a control on the human population of the planet. The environment can only cope with so many human beings.
While parents may chose to call their baby a miracle, it is not. The baby is merely the result of a biological process. I like to say that if a baby was truly a miracle, god would turn up and hand the baby over himself. But he doesn't. Biology does the job; often with the aid of science.
However as technology improved, the development of medicine, the survival rate of infants has increased. As the human race has taken over more and more of the planet, human natural predators have subsided and when epidemics occur, our medicine is able to overcome the worst plagues.
And as technology has improved so have women's rights and education. Women have more options now and as society advances every women knows to give her children the best chance of survival she needs income to support her during the later stages of her pregnancy and while she is caring full time for her infant. This time is essential in caring for the child. After the child is born the mother must feed it regularly, burp it, clean it, regularly tend and generally care for it by playing and entertaining it even when its not crying or sleeping. These years are essential to the child because during this time, the infant will go from absolute helplessness to wandering around completely unaware of all the hazards and dangers threatening to kill it even around the household. During this time the mother is teaching it to talk and manners, lessons invaluable to its socialization.
This is a selfless role that mothers must willing take up. If they don't, they might resent, neglect and at worst abuse the child.
Demanding a women gives birth and then raise a child completely under-values the role of motherhood. It is a form of rape and punishment demanding a woman gives birth to a child she doesn't want.
Demanding a woman gives birth and not care about how the child or mother fares afterwards is totally cruel. For some reason, the right always assumes people have families to help them. This is not always the case. In the end, these children become cannon fodder. This is why the British banned abortion, so they could build armies. This is why Napoleon 3 asked the Pope to make abortion illegal, so he could build his armies. Of course the Vatican saw the benefit of keeping abortion illegal. Many catholic women in poor countries without access to education have many children and this keeps those countries poor. This also keeps the true believers numerous and the Vatican's coffers full.
What happens when children are thoroughly neglected after birth was amply demonstrated in Romania when Ceaușescu's despotic rule ended. Buildings full of children who didn't know how to speak, use the bathroom or feed themselves were found. Ceaușescu wasn't the only despot who banned abortion. Hitler banned abortion for Aryan women. Stalin banned abortion but he increased benefits to women so they could afford to raise their children. Pol Pot also banned abortion.
The first nine months, IE pregnancy, are nearly trivial in comparison to the next 20 years of raising a child. Not only does it take the mothers time and attention, it is considerably expensive.
In some countries where their birth rate is low, there is never a question of taking the mother's right to chose away from her. In such countries, they make it easy for the mother by paying her to raise her children. They give her thousands of dollars for having her first and subsequent children. These countries offer real safety nets and universal healthcare.
Because it is unlikely any of these things will be manifest anytime soon in the US, we can only assume that the Republican think tanks who engender the war on women want to build armies. The rate at which the constitution is disappearing, we can assume there will be a despot appearing sometime soon in America's future.