The process of scientific investigation is to keep putting together theories and models, getting parts of it wrong is part of the course, correcting, fixing, until we are left with a pretty good model of a system is how we do things.
I do a lot of modelling, I write computer code to simulate stuff. Often I get things wrong and the computer pours out a bunch of text telling me I got it wrong and I have to figure out how I got it wrong. I then fix it and keep on going.
To me this is an utterly painless process. In the end I get it right.
In the end the systems I create work and if i need to change something its usually a relatively painless process.
I kinda like the process in that it makes me feel like I've really achieved something when I get my systems working. And thats the payload for me. But its kinda cold, i like interacting with humans better.
With this blog I am trying to figure out how our society works. This is much more painful when it doesn't work. People get upset because I am generalizing, which means I am looking at trends of behaviour. Human behaviour, like many other things follows the famous bell-curve.
This is just an example of the bell-curve, to find out more check here. There will always be more or less outliers, or people who fit into the definitely less/more than others category.
I am engaged in a process. I, no doubt, get things wrong. If you are unhappy about what I have written, then let me know, but hurling insults at me won't necessarily change my mind and prove I am wrong. I will accept I am wrong with good evidence and proof. After all Karl Popper said we can never prove anything is right, only that something is wrong.
I realize I can be quite dispassionate about the process and perhaps you won't like some of the stuff I say because of some personal experience you've had. I am talking about trends, and generalizing. I realize there will be exceptions. Because you've had one bad experience doesn't mean that what I am saying is necessarily wrong.
Furthermore, I am not saying this is the way it must be. Humans are very adaptable. There are many modes of being a human being.