Of course I don't think anyone is asking for it but recently a number of men have claimed young children were "asking for it".
I know a lot of libertarian males say rape is bad but admonish women to be careful. I wonder if Caitlyn has to be careful too? You see women generally are careful but the implication is a) that we are stupid and need this sage advice, and b) this implies that women who are raped are to blame for their rapes because they weren't careful enough, so basically yes, it is implying it's the woman's fault. But it's not women's fault, it's the rapists' fault - and I refuse to be sexist and say men just can't control themselves, men can control themselves.
I welcome all transgender people because it might get people to think more about gender. I think we know so little about ourselves, and hopefully it will impact what they are really saying when they make accusations of "asking for it". We never say men are "asking for it" and we know men have to survive rape too.
But in a country that is as "Christian" as many US GOP representatives would say it is, why are there so many men being caught out behaving appallingly? Between Hastert and the Duggars, and that the Duggars are now saying it should never have been brought to the media attention because the incident was so minor... (I can only wonder how the daughter feels...) so, basically, this is just the tip of the iceberg, because the Duggars feel it is so commonplace. In other words, these aren't aberrations, they are the norm . Surely something is very rotten with conservative "Christians".
It's well known that red states view the most pornography, I can only assume that this is because conservative women are taught that they shouldn't enjoy sex or otherwise they'll be sluts. With the purity movement in southern red states and the endlessly increasing list of sexual impropriety by conservative "christians" and the GOP, the party of conservative "Christians", isn't it time to run like hell from the loud and proud self-righteousness of being conservative "christian"?
For the record I have no problem with people who are genuinely Christian but you can tell who they are by their actions rather than what they say.