Being criticized as being lazy when they probably applied for every job they could apply for, if they lost their job. I can't imagine how demoralizing it would be to be out of work, and the boredom!
I would sooner they get some kind of payment so they can live rather than breaking into my home stealing so they won't starve. How do they pay for their utilities, rent, food and any kind of entertainment if they have no income at all. The combined boredom and need for money drives many into selling drugs which creates crime.
What is outrageous is we give the rich a pass when it comes to doctors and hospitals charging ten times what they would normally charge when the patient is on medicare. Same with the military industrial complex, well known for ripping off the govt.
I am all for removing regulations, specifically that government is NOT to use its bulk purchasing power with medicare. Removing that one regulation would probably allow every single American medicare, and ease the burden on every household and business across the country.