So long as I pay my taxes and leave everyone else a lone I am left alone. I study the news enough to know that could quickly change.
But the impression is we are all getting along quite well with each other. We all interact smoothly or as smoothly as possible and hence it appears to be that we don't need a government. But I think often this is because we want to avoid interacting with the government.
But it's times when things don't go smoothly when we need a government. It's when a hurricane hits or cars smash into each other, that government cleans up the mess and I am not saying government couldn't do a better job or that other organizations couldn't have done a better job perhaps, but when things get gnarly, when things go bad, when the shit hits the fan it's got to be the government that cleans up the mess.
When government is destroyed things don't go back to normal, things tend to go from bad to worse. When the USSR bought down the Afghanistan's government, the place didn't go back to normal. Usually a much worse situation develops, like after the Russian revolution, Lenin and Stalin rose to power. Same with the French Revolution, Napoleon seized control then there was the restoration of the monarchy followed by a revolution. ..
Does government force us to behave, yes I think it does.
On the other hand corporations want to micromanage us to optimize how much money they can get out of us.
A friend says government creates corporations but we let government do this so perhaps we should tell government not to anymore.