1. Men grow up NOT giving affection to each other so they seek out women for companionship and tenderness.
2. Sex
and when 1 & 2 are blended together you may find women doing that which is most valuable, becoming
3. The mother to their children.
And the rules on when a woman can have sex and be a companion to men are prodigious. A woman cannot have sex with a man without a relationship otherwise she's a slut or if she dares ask for money for giving him sex she is a whore.
If there is a marketplace for women wanting sex, I've only ever heard of it as wishful thinking in the entertainment industry.
Nevertheless, women need money to live on too. We need to pay for car insurance, a roof over our heads, clothes, food too.
On 1/11/2013 I wrote about Motherhood where I discuss how vital the role of motherhood is in our society. Yes, accepting the role, choosing to be a mother should be an option available to any woman but not all women are cut out for the role and some women choose not to be mothers.
However time and time again I am told women shouldn't be paid to be mothers, they should do it for 'love' or in other words for free.
They must rely on their husbands to support them while they are unable to work.
While it is up to the woman to decide to reproduce, she is performing a vital service to the community/society/country, she is helping to produce the next generation. And no society is successful unless there is a next generation.
The full time role of motherhood is priceless in terms of keeping the child alive while it is developing, teaching it to talk, protecting it while it is unaware of the dangers around it and turning it into a member of society.
Because women do not charge for providing this service, it is assumed that the service is actually worthless. The work that women do is of no value because the majority of women choose to take on this role. Yet we need the majority of women to take on this role so that there is a next generation.
Because a woman doesn't charge for doing this job people assume it is a job without skill. Sure it doesn't take much work in general to get pregnant although some couples may disagree, but the role of monitoring the child is time consuming and difficult. It can also be boring. I am sure it has many rewards too.
In the US women earn 77c to every $1 men earn. Yet women still need to eat, maintain a car and clothes, haircuts, accessories all cost more money than the men's equivalent.
Despite producing the next generation and providing men with companionship, it seems that men will do everything in their power to keep money out of women's hands despite there being a lot of evidence to suggest that women are better at handling money than men.
Women are more careful, more attentive and more guarded about finances. There have not been as many cases of rash investment and financial losses with women as there have been with men. This is probably the reason why households run so smoothly in India when compared to many other countries in the world because here, it is usually women who manage household budgets. Mohan Doshi