But men are also a big problem.
Men organize, are violent and form hierarchies.
I know, I know, you are going to say, but women are violent too. And men have told me that they have been in relationships with violent women. I asked these men were they afraid of their violent partners and the men said not at all.
I think this is the big difference between male and female violence, female violence typically doesn't frighten anyone unless its against kids. Sure there are very likely women who are violent and frighteningly so, but this is the end of the bell curve stuff.
I have previously cited sources, 93% of prisoners in the US are men, 60% of those men are incarcerated for violent crimes. The other 7% of prisoners are female, of whom, 40% of women are in prison for violent crimes, whereas 60% of men are in prison for violent crimes. Although these numbers change from Wikipedia entry to Wikipedia entry. I did originally base my numbers on a government document.
One gender is much much more violent than the other. If there is a suicide by gun rampage, a man is most often responsible, and I cannot think of one done by a woman, ever.
If its a CEO of a corporation that destroys the environment, destroys the economy, a president who starts a war, someone who kills, the gender of the person doing this is pretty much always a (white) man. It is so rare that women are in these positions of power and most likely the women who do get into these positions are likely to behave in the only way all available role models act: like men.
However we do have one mechanism to control men. We make them the bread winner of families. He must protect and provide for his family. With a woman and their children relying on him to provide for them, he is much less likely to engage in dangerous activities, such as being a criminal. He is much more likely to come home each night and be with the people he loves, his wife and kida.
I think the other reason why we pay men more and celebrate men accomplishing something as opposed to women is it is a mechanism to control men and have them instead pursuing useful endeavors, like science, art, music and sports - if they work hard enough at what they are talented at, they can add something useful to society or be applauded for their achievements rather than being detrimental to society.
It is certain that we want men to continue to be violent because there are many still alive when hand to hand combat was necessary to protect our way of life, namely the second world war. Men are still going to be the ones who will be sent into dangerous situations while the women stay back to survive and raise the kids if the men do die in battle. Men will have passed on their genetic material, in the form of his kids, but he is the redundant gender when it comes to defending his tribe.
Of course we don't want men to die unnecessarily, they can contribute to society in many ways, as together we survive, we (men and women) share the work load that builds our society and allows it to function, the collection of food, energy sources, building homes, collecting rubbish, etc etc, all these things allow our society to function. Plus the raising of the next generation.
The problem has become women have been left with one function, to find a man that she finds agreeable enough to marry so she can be a housewife and mother. Not all women want to fulfill this role. There is nothing wrong with being a wife and mother and it is a very necessary role, there must be a next generation, however not all women want to be limited to this. It is akin to thinking all men should be gardeners. Not all men are good in the garden. Also sometimes men leave their families, sometimes men die, sometimes men can no longer work and women need jobs to provide for their families. Also women want and need recognition for the work they do, their time is equally valuable to them. It is not fair that women be paid less for the same job. It is only fair women be able to do something other than being a mother and stay at home housewife. And I assume there are men who would love to stay home and raise the kids rather than be at work.
We must support men and continue to make them feel needed and valued members of society as women gain more power and control over their lives. Feminism isn't about erasing men, but about giving more options to everyone, regardless of their gender.