Here are some examples.
First example: Some feminists want to ban pornography and girls working in the sex industry because they think it exploits other women.
I am not sure if it exploits men if women go see male strippers for a girls night out. But honestly, the world is far from perfect. Working in the sex industry is one way girls can make a quick buck.
No, I do NOT want anybody hurt. If the woman wants to work in the sex industry for whatever reason I have no issue with it. Perhaps she is even eager to. I don't care. So long as she knows what she is doing, wants to do it, isn't being coerced then I don't see why its anybody's business but the woman's involved.
And no she shouldn't be shamed for her choice. What is that anyway?
Why should you care if she is working as a prostitute, stripper or whatever. Who are you to complain if she chooses to work thus? Some women have no other options and perhaps will enjoy the work. Stopping her from working won't stop men from wanting the service. If you want to stop the sex industry, change men first. Otherwise women will be kidnapped and forced to work as sex slaves etc.
I don't think feminism should be prudish. Sex is normal and natural.
Second example: Women who think feminism is passe, who think women are already equal enough. Oh boy. Women are far from equal while there are Lilly Ledbetter's in the world, there is no equality. These women who think feminism has nothing to offer them tend to be mothers. She's content, she doesn't think women should be doing this running around getting equal pay etc etc... If it wasn't for feminism, she couldn't vote, she may not be allowed to divorce her husband, she probably wouldn't be allowed access to her kids, she probably wouldn't be entitled to a bank acct or property, all of that would be her husbands. And we are a long way from being equal.
You may not consider yourself a feminist, that’s fine but why destroy the movement that you've benefited from yet don't want future generations of women, your daughters to benefit from?
Third example: abortion is probably one of the best ways of preventing guaranteed poverty for some young women, especially if the father disappears or turns out to be abusive. I would prefer to prevent the pregnancy in the first place by using contraception, but most pregnancies are unplanned and people are often elated with the news of a pregnancy and can't wait for their new arrival.
Abortion is a sad option but it can mean the girl goes on to marry a suitable man and will get pregnant later on and raise a great family with her husband's help. However there are times when the pregnancy goes horribly wrong.
There are people who think that pregnancy never goes awry, when the baby is wanted but for some reason or another the fetus dies and the pregnancy doesn't terminate naturally in a miscarriage, or the fetus has severe deformities like not producing amniotic fluid which means the fetus will die anyway after birth, but causes severe pain as it rubs against the uterus walls. And sometimes the pregnancy will even kill the woman.
I have seen men and women both arguing for a so-called better world where there is no abortion, letting the mother die in some cases, or forcing her to live in poverty. These people are usually badly informed and idealistic.
All of these things are not their business why women choose abortion.
If you want a better world start with something you can control, rather than denying women rights.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" (Ghandi) rather than demanding someone else give up rights or give up the fight for rights because you wish to force your view of 'your' perfect world upon somebody else.