I wonder what the landlord/lady will say in response to "I am paying my rent with love." Or groceries, clothes... love baby. Of course, that may be code for prostitution? People may assume she may not have gotten married before popping out babies, and I say that men die, divorce and get sick too. And I have said that many times before.
But the reality is men don't like considering women as workers, they are really treated like their labor is not paid for, and they like to say they are doing the work they do for things like 'love' but the reality is it's free labor.
And now republicans are making it impossible for women to get an abortion, their only solution is that women should not get pregnant and when i have questioned on them on this, that is their only solution for me not to get pregnant.
If we lived in such a state my husband would get a vasectomy but what if we decide we want a child and things go wrong? I've read so many stories of things going wrong - and I know from first hand experience how fragile pregnancy can be. My mother miscarried three times and she really wanted those babies.
Without any understanding or consultation with a medical doctor it seems these 'law makers' went gungho into the destruction of women's lives. Women's lives are inferior to the lives of the fetuses that dwell in their bodies, because while they may nod to incest and rape and the health of the woman, even if it is deemed necessary to have an abortion there are few hospitals willing to do it for fear of legal problems.
Pregnancy can be seriously debilitating, despite the nonsense that women's bodies are designed to have children. women can get gestational diabetes, break bones during labor, often die because they are pregnant. But those who want to prevent women gaining access to abortion conveniently lie about this reality or ignore it preferring the Disney version of storks arriving with freshly minted babies... and no women has any swollen ankles and experienced hours and hours of excruciating pain.
Yet men couldn't wear masks at the height of COVID because of their rights to freedom? Clearly men have rights women do not and that is nothing but injustice.