Yes, I know, not all men.
However, think about 'she was asking for it' and you know exactly what i mean - he's not to blame - she was 'asking' to be raped... then there are the associated questions: what was she wearing, how drunk was she... Society has been trained to believe it really isn't the man's fault she was raped.
Indeed women take the responsibility for everything, because most women are conditioned to apologize constantly even for things they did not do.
But the reality is it was definitely the man's fault.
Why do we constantly let men off the hook?
Another example is: men are constantly tearing up the environment for the sake of profit, they are digging up the world, we buy their stuff, throw it away and then other men bury it. Of course these men will blame consumers, they will blame women for wanting to marry rich men, they will blame... someone else.
Politics taking a leaf out of history learned this lesson well - men in the middle ages blamed and burned women at the stake, Hitler and the Nazis blamed the Jews, Slavs, Roma, homosexuals, the old.... these days men blame Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants...
Feminism is ruining ... everything, we're told by men, because we know men aren't to blame for anything - men never started a war - women start all the wars too. and then they will turn around and say things like - men are murdered more often than women - yes men are the primary victim of murder - but they are murdered by other men - a fact they neglect to mention constantly. Men are also the victim of more violence - but not at the hands of women, as they like to point out how violent women are - nevertheless, men are the victim of more violence but that violence is at the hands of other men - and when men are raped, they like to say men are raped by women - and possibly there are women who rape men - but the statistics demonstrate that men rape men more often.
Men have a man problem.
I'd like to tell men, especially rich, white, older men to stop blaming others for the shit they do. And when they are finally caught, these men will turn around and act like they didn't know what they were doing was wrong.
At the risk of sounding sexist, I'd like to tell these men to grow a pair and take responsibility for your actions.