This is the same for the women left behind during war who have to pick up the pieces when the men they love don't come home from war. After all, it's never been a woman who started a war, or if a woman did start a war, I have no idea how long ago in history she lived.
Women don't start wars, men do.
War is a man thing that men do to all of us. And it wasn't until extremely recently were women even allowed to join the armed services in some countries. And when the men aren't there to protect those left behind: the elderly, women and children; when the women left behind couldn't defend themselves and their children it was the women who got raped and/or killed, the surviving women where then left to pick up the pieces.
Clinton is right, women are once again the primary victim's of stupid shit men do.
The above image was posted from a men's rights twitter account. No surprises there. If only men would learn to control themselves rather than worry about controlling women. But the issue is really that men are victims of the whims of men, rich men who start wars for their own reasons - (aka to make money) and then wrap the war up in an increasingly thin veneer of ideological bullshit.
But the purpose of men's rights groups is to force women back down to their station on the totem pole so the men will still feel more powerful than someone else. Of course women aren't the only people who serve the purpose of being pushed lower, non-white, non-christians, the poor, LGBTQ+, and even children will do too.
This is where our real problem comes in, we need to stop seeing people as merely positions in a hierarchy. We need to see all people as being equal to us. When we see others as nothing other than vehicles to elevate us socially it will free us from the worry of making sure those who are supposed to be lower than us aren't raising above their station, that we can stop watching those above us to see what we are missing.