In fact I spend a lot of time trying to be nice to women because their job is thankless enough.
Yet much to my surprise a woman who I thought of as a friend has decided to start calling me a bitch and enumerating my bitchiness to a mutual male friend.
Said male friend turns around to me and says "It's really too bad that you both think the other one is a terrible bitch."
I never called this woman, despite her endless public tantrums and public sniper comments, anything other than friend. I tried to give her instead every allowance, I gave her endless chances, forgave her at every turn, even asked said male friend to be careful not to hurt her feelings.
Said male friend even said he was more rational about these things too, when clearly he is not.
You see I never thought the woman was a 'terrible bitch' until she sent me the most disgusting email I have ever read - an email I could never have dreamed of writing myself to even the worst human being. Yet said male friend lumped me into the same category as her.
As a result of receiving the nastiest email of my life, I asked said male friend to abandon his friendship with the woman to which he replied he would not. I think the male friend has chosen the female that best suits him to be his friend.
I feel totally sickened by both said male friend and that I could have ever have thought of this woman as a friend.
Will I be victim? No of course not. I just choose not to associate with people like that.
Please be kind to others, please don't hate each other. When people turn out this way, just walk away, they are not worth it.