'Romney said the biggest problem in a distressed aircraft is that "the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous."'
How can a man so ignorant of the world be running for president of the most powerful nation on earth? I seriously don't understand how he can live in this world and be so ignorant of how it operates. But no doubt this explains why he thought it was okay to drive to Canada with a dog strapped to the roof of the car for 12 hours.
No doubt Romney is as stupid as much of the population of the US and lead to the current shut down of the Government, where those elected just don't understand the complexity of the system. I have often wondered what at all do the GOP bring to the country and as far as I can tell, they bring nothing at all but shame and embarrassment.
While I blame MSM for taking the stupid party seriously in the first place, it is necessary to think of a solution to the excess of stupid stupid people the GOP throw up as potential leaders to this country. One solution is to remove the economic incentive to become president. It was clear that Romney was only in it because it would pad his pockets because he refused to release his tax returns to the public.
I think one of the things we need to do is to make insider trading illegal for elected officials, have them declare publicly all sources of income for family and dependents and have the government pay for election campaigns. Of course, already elected officials won't ever let this become law so the best way to implement it is to have politicians vow to do this.