"Women treat men the way women wish to be treated, with respect. Perhaps treating people with respect means they will try to live up to the treatment they are given. We hope men will behave responsibly with that power that comes with their increased body strength which in turn gives them power over us in our lives."
Of course this is a generalization. Women treat male strangers this way because we don't know who they are or what they will do.
There is always a veiled threat of men's superior strength.
In general, there are four classes of men a woman knows. Complete strangers; male family members, IE fathers, brothers, sons...; partners; and acquaintances. The acquaintances might be co-workers, neighbors and friends. women might draw on this pool to select partners.
The rituals women engage in with acquaintances is usually respectful so as not to lead to unwanted attention.
Partners are a whole different ball game. It usually depends on the people involved in the relationship to figure out the dynamic. Although for successful relationships, the woman must have power within the relationship.