If you are constantly told you are worthless, it means you will not expect much in a husband. Hence it means you'll accept/expect minimal treatment from men.
Most often mothers are the ones that tell their daughters they are worthless, whether it is to protect their daughters from unrealistic expectations or a form of jealousy as their daughters are approaching the zenith of their power and the mothers powers wane. It is women who ensure their daughters have their genitals mutilated in the middle east. In this story, the women deceive the child together and perform this ritual upon her without her consent.
Women betray women all the time. Famously women betrayed Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic primaries, specifically dumping Hillary in preference for Obama. Maureen Dowd, of the New York Times, constantly attacked Clinton and here even denies it was sexism at the root of Clintons losing the primaries. Yet there were no signs at Obama's primaries saying 'shine my shoes', while there were signs at Clintons primaries ordering her to iron men's shirts and the endless commentary on her choice of clothing.
The 2008 elections were a travesty of sexism. And while I am glad Palin didn't get elected as Vice President, there was considerable sexism leveled at her and also at Michele Bachmann in 2011 debates, which always revolved around their apparel and their appearance. Bachmann and Palin should never be elected to high office because they don't understand the separation of church and state. Yet we were told about Bachmann's eyes, shoes, and how much Palin spent on clothes.
We do not discuss men's choice of apparel unless they dress completely inappropriately. Or how about this article praising Nancy Pelosi's choice of clothing? What is she a trained monkey that we need to praise for getting it right? It is completely abhorrent our obsession with women's appearance in our society and whether they are the right weight or not.
There is nothing so dismissive of a person than reducing them to their appearance but we as humans do that all the time and especially women of women. Women exclude women all the time by asking "what was she thinking?" while looking down their noses at a woman and all knowingly roll their eyes because the woman has chosen the wrong pair of jeans or last season's shade of green.
Women's weight and appearance has nothing to do with sexual attractiveness. Men find women attractive. Whereas women dress to impress other women.
Everyone wants to please women, women and men. Why? I think its because we love the warmth and love women give. Men pay women for the comfort and pleasure women provide, yet we jeer the women who take their money. Women have always traded themselves for support in marriage. Women reproduce, along with raising their & their spouse's children, give comfort and companionship to their husband and also provide the task of being arm ornament for their husband they married in-exchange for being merely supported by their husband. Being wife is a full time, 24/7 job, being a husband, ehh.
But then why do women betray other women? To limit their expectations, bemoan advantages one woman has over another woman in terms of attractiveness, whether intellectual, personality or physical, leveling other women to their own level? One thing women hate is another woman being better than themselves. Most women see each other as equals and keep each other inline by adherence to trivialities such as appearance and exclude other women from their community to limit their power.
And perhaps this stems from women perceiving themselves as being at the bottom of the heap. Or perhaps near to bottom. Perhaps women want to provide men the simple status of having superior power to them? To give some men the simple opportunity to get 'some', whether it is a wife who'll accept anything or as a woman needing to work as a prostitute. Society must benefit if women provide these services. Perhaps it keeps the crime rate down? This is the subject of future research.
Nevertheless, once women accept their power then society will be better off.
Women's love, warmth & friendship is extremely desirable to both genders. Men and women seek out women's friendship. Women tend to be more thoughtful, see things from different perspectives, women support each other with their problems and women tell women when they should leave their husbands. Women keep men inline, generally and stop men from getting too excited and too testosterone driven.
In a group of all men and one woman, the woman usually figures out who the boss is and allies herself with him. That man now has the greatest status in the group. If the woman doesn't ally herself, she will be at the bottom of the pack. She either gives status and is thus provided with status, or has all status taken from her as all the men ally to drop her status. This is what happened with Hillary Clinton in 2008, men allied against her. When she was first lady, she was considered extremely powerful.
Women as mothers turn little animals into acceptable human beings. Unkindly, people blame their mother all too often for how they turned out while shifting responsibility from themselves. No doubt this is why there are the recurring abortion debates in the US, the work a woman puts into raising a child, converting an animal into a human being is considered utterly unnecessary. Yet without the work of a woman, you wouldn't be able to speak, use the bathroom, eat according to the standards of civilization, have manners or behave acceptably. Yet the anti-abortionists reduce the role of motherhood to merely 9 months, and not the 20 years that come after birth, the greater role of motherhood. Again we see men ally against the most vulnerable, poor young women without men to help or protect them.
If women had equal access to money in society it would require men to chase more important things than money, like personal achievements that make them attractive to women, other than merely as breadwinners. Men only being required to garner income puts a low requirement on men, while preserving their violence that makes them useful at defending. However, men's upper body strength is obviated by automatic weapons.
It is time for women to let women take their power. Women are smarter than men, because we have to usually manage a partner stronger than us while making sure that none of the kids are killing each other or eating something poisonous. Women consider more things than men do.
Income equality will mean that men will have to step up and become better men to keep their partners, thus improving society in turn. Women having more power is the true fix to the economy, the fix to all the problems facing society.
Since I wrote this article, many women have wondered what it was about women to hold back their daughters and other women. I have added a few reasons over the past few months but it dawned on me most clearly when I was watching that old 60s movie 'guess whose coming to dinner'. The black maid was angry the character Sidney Poitier played was getting beyond himself. I wonder if women don't want other women to get beyond their station?