Ouch! and people think that feminism does nothing for them anymore.
How did we train boys to think women have nothing of interest to say? Fortunately many boys proved the publishers wrong. But how many other industries believe equally ridiculous things?
Australian Aborigines don't like to discuss their dead because they feel we are trapping their souls on this plane by doing so. The result is that they are effacing themselves from history.
This is something men have been doing forever to women. Who knew women had a long history in the sciences? How many other women have been erased from history? Matilda, William the Conquerer's Queen wasn't even included in the indices on historical books on the subject of William, yet she wielded her own power.
Men often behave shamefully when it comes to women in politics, as was the case when Australia had a female prime minister, Japan, and Hillary Clinton in the US along with Michelle Bachmann and her shoes, eyes etc. where the topic of conversation instead of discussing her politics. No man has ever had his shoes discussed in politics. Also we have men in politics talk about what is and isn't rape. These are the respective countries elected representatives and they act like women have 'girls germs'. These men demean their positions by acting like young boys, not adult men.
This is appalling behavior of men in politics and as such it is clear men shouldn't be involved in politics if they cannot act with dignity and treat women with respect. Men exhibit too much appalling emotion as the following indicates:

And women being told they are the sinners when they are raped while attending religious colleges. But this isn't the only sexism in schools, girls are sent home because their bra strap is visible and it might distract the boys. This is primarily saying boys education is more important than a girls and boys can't control themselves so girls need to wear burqa's to protect boys so boys won't get out of control...
That is really teaching the boys they really don't need to restrain themselves. How on earth can we expect the next generation of boys to be leaders if we teach them its okay to not control themselves? What are we teaching girls? That you are really only there for boys? This is outrageous. Boys must know how to control themselves and girls have a right to exist for her own purposes.
There are other subtle sexist attitudes like a man will friend me on facebook and assume I have nothing better to do than contact him and/or call me 'dear' rather than bother to remember my name and/or will ask me my age, like I might just be eligible to be his love interest if he finds me pleasant enough. How arrogant.
I am not here for your purposes. I am here because I want to be here and I have other stuff I can be doing. People who want to be a part of my life put effort into attracting my interest.
Its the same with being a mother, people think women have nothing better to do than be a mother. That once she's had a baby she will automatically love it and put her life on hold for it and then expect the woman not to resent the baby if forced into being a mother when she does not want to be one. Yes she can put a baby up for adoption but the foster system is full of unloved kids already and people will gasp at the woman if she does: how can you possibly think of putting your child up for adoption!!!
There is so much sexism in the system that this is not the time to hang up 'feminism' as no longer relevant.
And none of the: but the court awards custody of children to women over men nonsense. This should be about the children, not the gender of the parents. Men who whine about women getting preferential custody are being selfish.

Women are taught all their lives they need a man to complete them. This is nonsense. What we need is each other.
Nevertheless women give sex to get love and men give love to get sex. Women are raised to expect a man to fulfill their needs. We all need affection and men go have sex with a prostitute when they need a dose of affection from a woman if they don't have a current girlfriend. Most prostitutes say a lot of men often only want to talk, or to feel close to someone briefly. This is why escort services are acceptable, because sex isn't assumed although is often implied.
But there shouldn't be this necessary assumption that women should NOT enjoy sex. Why? If a woman enjoys sex she's a slut? Women evolved to have orgasms as well, why shouldn't she enjoy something her body provides her? I have no issue with women working in the sex industry. Its ridiculous women should NOT enjoy sex. Its teen girls who have sex with boys I feel sorry for, who get pregnant based on 2mins of pleasure for the boy and no pleasure at all for her. No one even considers that women should enjoy sex in the US. And just because a woman enjoys sex it doesn't mean she is always ready and wanting sex.
We keep attacking those weaker than us rather than making those with power accountable. Part of this is a result of what the Milgrim experiment shows, we want to please authority and I assume those in power, men. Seldom does society attack men for any reason yet it seems that it is mostly men that cause our problems. It is men who run Wall St, it is men who are the CEOs of BIG OIL and other negligent corporations, it is men who run Monsanto and start the wars, it is men who are the lawyers, who do the raping and murdering. It is men who run government. I know not all men do it but as a society we generalize about women yet we don't generalize about men. Not until we control those with power will we be able to start repairing society.
It is time we stop trying to control women because women are already under control. It is time we start controlling some of the men.
It's time we live a different way and this war on women is part of how broken society is.