I am sure most people think scars aren't things we can chose, they are the result of events that happen to us. Not so, I say.
I've heard of kids being completely scarred by the stuff that happened to them when they were a 'tween. I am sure if I let stuff effect me when I was a 'tween I might have been scarred by it too but my father had cancer and that was pretty much all that mattered.
Some people are scarred by their parents, some are scarred by a teacher who 'touched' them inappropriately, some are scarred by a sibling, poverty, being raped, bullied at school, work, home...
What you choose to let scar you defines who you'll be, probably for the rest of your life. And in some ways its how you deal with your scars that makes you into an amazing person or just someone who is completely forgettable. Because sometimes when I hear the details of someone's scars I feel like shaking them and saying: oh get over it. These are usually the ones who run around bleating about it... And sometimes I am completely in awe.
Sometimes I wonder at friends scars, what was it that they had to deal with. Sometimes I would like to ask, some might tell me, most probably won't and I don't like to pry because it is personal and although in quiet moments I might calculate, I also try to respect privacy.
A bit of scarring is good for a person, I think. It teaches us humanity and compassion. I have long suspected that SOME libertarians, NOT ALL, weren't scarred enough and have no humanity in them, because they run around bleating about the govt like those who run around bleating about inconsequential scars and turning them into mountain ranges.
My first boyfriend went through childhood completely unscarred. He was the best looking guy I ever saw. He got good grades, he had great parents who loved him, he had lots of friends... and when he got into the real world he couldn't cope so he committed suicide.