There is so much of anonymity that allows us to say and do whatever the fuck we want to other anonymous beings. I have often wondered whether this is what is behind most of road rage - all we see is a car and we don't see the person behind the steering wheel is actually a being until we have turned them into nothing but 'enemy'. A point beyond which we just see a vehicle that cut us off.
And it makes it easy to kill other humans on the battle field because we've disassociated their humanity from their body.
It is what makes it easy for Wall St and politicians to not bat an eye when they cause people to lose their homes. However I wonder if Wall St and politicians had to shake the hands and look each one of those people in the eye who lost their homes and their jobs because of what they did, would they still feel so cavalier? How would they feel about what they had done then?
The ones who take the jobs, homes and lives are immune from seeing the damage they have done. The CEOs never hear the tears of the husband/wives or kids, they just continue on as though its nothing. The victims of the CEOs or politicians actions mean nothing to them. These people who lose their jobs and homes are irrelevant.
We live in an anonymous age where it is easy to call people whatever we want on the internet because we don't look them in the eyes as we say it. We don't live their life after banks have taken their homes, politicians don't see their hungry children when they deny them food stamps.
Too often we vote because we are guided by money. We don't see the human cost behind the numbers.