I don't know why men are 'unmanned' by the feminist movement? Women wanting equal pay/rights to a job and right to control her own destiny makes men feel like they are no longer men? Seriously?
What is a man anyway and what do women want?
Everyone wants to feel loved and useful. The primary function of the species is to produce the next generation and possibly the next generation after that. Men's job is to help a woman care for their kids and hopefully both be companionable.
Anyway, this stellar example of a man beats his wife to make himself feel better. How about instead of that, going for a jog, climbing stairs, do some exercise that's going to make you sweat and burn your adrenaline that way rather than taking it out on someone else. Look I am fine with whatever you do in your private time with your consenting adult partner but blaming feminism for your need to hit your wife is just pathetic.
I always call myself a feminist who loves men because everyone should enjoy equal access to employment and income and I like men. I don't want men to suffer but I don't see why I should miss out so men can feel like manly men.
The great majority of women want to have kids. Fine. If they find men they want to have kids with also fine. But woman shouldn't be forced to depend on a man to survive while she is raising her kids. As I've said, men die, men leave, men get sick and lose jobs too... should the family have to suffer because he is no longer capable of earning an income? This is why we want safety nets, because sometimes there are no relatives willing or able to stand in to help.
The only alternative for women who didn't want children was to join a convent. Some women want to do neither. Some women just want an interesting job or life without kids constantly needing attention. How a woman chooses to spend her life should be her choice. This shouldn't be one forced upon her by men and their need to feel manly.
It has been my opinion men needed the gay revolution for men to feel comfortable with other ways of being for men to accept women's right to self-determination. It seems to me that the need for men to dominate women is strongly related to homophobia.
I am encouraged by the LGBT movement and the women's movement that men are feeling more comfortable about their position in society. I believe it all harks back to men feeling afraid to express their emotions and accept their female side rather than feel fearful of it as boys have been taught in the past and for that reason I think the feminist movement could equally be the men's liberation movement.