I think it will take time for women to fully understand the science they bring because for so long we've only been told only about male science, but in my opinion we know so little about ourselves, we've been too busy looking outside ourselves in context with our society to see what we do. How can we go to the stars when we know so little about ourselves? How can we make that trip without spending so much time with ourselves?
No doubt men have uncovered some of women's science already - while women were raising the next generation, dying in childbirth, managing their homes, cooking, cleaning and making money to survive, they had little free time to do their own science themselves. It's only recently women have been making any impact on society, like Rachel Carson, Elinor Ostrom, Jane Goodall, Grace Hopper, to name just a few. While none of these women used calculus to any great extent, they made major impact on society, and probably all will have an impact on any journey to mars.
It reminds me of the story of the potatoes and monkeys. While washing potatoes doesn't require calculus, no doubt it helped the monkey's more directly than mere abstract reasoning.
So long our society has looked for absolutes like there is absolute good, absolute truth, absolute knowable things, when all these things exist in context. For instance symbols take their meaning from the symbols around them. The internet gives the impression that symbols are restricted to math and perhaps astrology, I posit that we communicate entirely in symbols. All the words we use, the letters of our alphabet, numbers, all of language, data science... are symbols. And as a data scientist, I posit that learning is nothing more than the building indices between symbols. However as a data scientist I am in a front row seat to see men mystifying the field with with words like 'machine learning' when it is clear they don't know what 'learning' actually means, or AI - artificial intelligence, when they don't know what 'intelligence' means... and then they think things like the system, indeed, can spontaneously become consciousness. I was once told by a man that he knew it would becomes conscious because he'd done a course on 'ontology' once - which is still one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Indeed what they call data science is nothing like what I'd call even 'science' because the 'deep learning' isn't repeatable. It's a kind of 'crossing your fingers and hope it works' thing.
Another thing considered an absolute is 'good'. To me good is relative and perspective - in some instances a good may be bad, and what may be intended as a good may result in bad, and depends on the motivation of actions and circumstances... Hence there can't be an absolute good - or at least in my opinion. This may impact religious beliefs. However I like what the Dalai Lama says 'Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them'.
I remember reading once there is nothing bad a human can do that no good can come of it. I don't know if this is true either. But then it's not possible to know all things. So there is no absolute 'bad' either, it is also relative; and thus is morality.
In my opinion, men tend to think more in terms of absolutes rather than look for the relative nature of the universe.
There is much of our universe we've misunderstood and sometimes forgotten and until we reconsider our perspective on the universe will we be unable to traverse space. Because in my opinion the incredible spaces between the objects in our universe is to protect the universe from us. Until we've understood the relative nature of morality will we know how to deal with the rest of the universe.
Because everything in the universe is connected. Men tend to think in tasks - or atoms there is this idea that everything is independent, discrete, distinct - it's why men think they can build stuff (businesses...) completely by themselves rather than seeing they are using the building blocks from society. That they need the rest of society for the technology they use to build other stuff with. What we need is a much more holistic approach to the universe.
We know all particles have a de Broglie wavelength, even you and I. While our wavelength is beyond microscopic small - nevertheless it disperses us, in a sense, connects us in/to the universe.
While men think in terms of discrete tasks, this will be beyond them.
Of course, my ideas are independent from those who've gone before me, and knowledge isn't absolute either, it is relative as well. Some men have had ideas as well who were influenced by women that we've forgotten about or ignored because that's what men do, they disappear women. Until we realize women have something to offer and get credit for their thoughts and ideas we will never reach the stars.