Yes, 12 year olds tearing the logic of Skinner to pieces. But that was our schooling, we tore politicians, philosophers, scientists, doctors to pieces...
I remember my teacher telling us how most people don't think because it is hard, and I cannot think of anything more fun to do, by myself.
The first point of propaganda is to blame someone else as this piece of propaganda reminds us. Corporations have been telling us taxes are to blame for the sheer expense of living. Of all the money I spend through the year, tax is a miniscule portion, its what I spend on corporations, ie their profit is the lion's share of what I spend. There is also this myth that everything I buy from corporations is always optional. WRONG! Medicine, clothes, food, cars, fuel, furniture, toilet paper, soap, shampoo... all come from corporations. All of it necessary.
If I want to make money, I do so from corporations, i.e. the internet, computers... all come from corporations.
Corporations impinge on every aspect of my life.
Yet corporate propaganda has us so deceived they have us all running around blaming government, where corporations themselves have so corrupted our government. Meanwhile government is still meant to fund all its agencies like the FBI...., the executive branch, the military, the judiciary... while we complain about paying taxes! I know, lets blame the poor for the few lousy pennies we throw at them.
Meanwhile every country on earth is eating McDonalds burgers, drinking coke or pepsi, most are wearing jeans, Nikes, flying in our planes, using iPads/Phones/Apple laptops, any laptop, google, Intel chips, MicroSoft windows, watching american movies and TV shows... The fact that our corporations are making vast amounts of money from all over the world is conveniently forgotten but our country is obscenely rich and the 1% instead tell us about the free-loading poor and how bad the government is.
Our corporations are brilliantly successful at propaganda, they whitewash themselves with propaganda or as they like to say advertising and this is where Skinner comes in and one of his major influences was Pavlov, the Russian with the dogs who were trained to salivate at the sound of a ringing bell. Corporations have been using behavioural psychology on us to make us give them our money gladly.
Meanwhile our government does not employ the slick gilded suave psychological treatment that corporations deliver to us in the form of MSM advertising, instead its rather ham fisted in comparison, sending our military in when behavioural psychology could be much better employed to manage things especially with terrorism.
If corporations can get people to buy tap water in bottles, or diluted battery acid (cola) to drink why do we have to send military in to end terrorism? Corporations have people with mad psychological skillz making people buy all kinds of shit, why isn't the military using these skillz on terrorists to end terrorism?
Why? Because corporations are also using their behavioural psychology on government to make it act like a bull in a china shop to keep itself distinguished from corporations. Corporations are looting government and us and making government go to war in the first place so corporations can benefit.
The founding fathers hated corporations and started a revolution because of them. They made very strict rules under which corporations could act after the revolution, but corporations corrupted the government and broke lose of the yoke the founding fathers put them under.