In that time we've seen zealots who've known that climate change was all made up by government or greenies or ... whoever - for the sake of - whatever and just know that the climate isn't changing at all.
To fuel this, there have been some scientists, probably paid for by the Cato Institute or some such right wing think tank to prove that climate change wasn't really happening so the zealots, and some of those zealots were also paid for by similar think tanks, have 'research' they could point to to prove their case. I just read that Exxon spends $27M every year to block action on climate change, and no doubt some of this money goes to raising questions about the science and to fuel the debate. Some other of those 'zealots' were also paid for and those 'zealots' were right wing (or 'fair and unbiased') media.
Spin and confusion to cloud science - and especially with the weakening of the understanding of what real science is and actively confusing it with 'belief'.
And all of this benefits those making money. Because all the while advocates for curbing the use of fossil fuels in preference for renewable energy have to fight against those who are zealots or at least paid to fight on behalf of those making the money meanwhile the status quo is preserved and those making money can continue to do so.
But there is nothing new to this, 'they' did this originally with cigarettes spreading disinformation to prolong the life expectancy of their product so they could continue milking consumers.
We see a similar dissemination of false information when it comes to abortion and rape - for instance GOP who are woefully ignorant of women's anatomy and others who think that women's bodies actively stop conception as a result of rape(!) The muddying of women's biology by non-experts who think their opinion is a valid representation of the reality benefits those who wish to build armies for future wars that the US may engage upon. Also with freakonomics demonstrating that the legalization of abortion has decreased the crime rate, it's in the best interests of the prison industrial complex to end abortion.
In a number of fields we've seen that throwing money at bad science benefits those making the money.
And this is why I think what those with all the money are doing is throwing money at 'feminists' who seem for the most part to be totally anti-woman. An example of this 'kind of feminist' is 'the factual feminist' who is a 'feminist' in name only. She seems to be really a Mens Rights Activist. She works for and 'publishes' from the American Enterprise Institute - which labels itself as a conservative think tank.
People with money who have employees benefit greatly from telling us there is no pay discrepancies between men and women because it means they will have to pay women more. They also benefit from no paid maternity/paternity leave.
I have said before that I think that Intersectional feminism seems to be the brain child of right wing think tanks wanting women to move out of the workforce. But what seems interesting is that intersectional feminism which seems to be very popular among women's studies students and on college campuses are fighting with 'the factual feminist' so they have set up a war between factions and that benefits employers better because then young women aren't fighting for better pay for all women, they are fighting other 'feminists' instead.
Before you start regurgitating women choosing different professions etc, let me remind you of Lily Ledbetter, the US female soccer team and males who come out and say female tennis players shouldn't earn as much as men. And even if there are differences in performance and experience between men and women performing the same job, women still have to pay more for stuff than men, like hair cuts and clothes, and buy stuff men never have to buy, like sanitary products and bras. So employers get the benefit of paying women less and then there is an added tax on being a woman because women have to pay more. And the reality of oppression can be difficult for oppressors to handle.
So the point is there is a lot of misinformation out there. Don't believe everything you hear especially when there is money to be made from maintaining the status quo. Another example is the misinformation about Hillary Clinton. Do you really believe she sold fracking to the world, a process that has been in use since 1950, when Clinton was 3 years old? No doubt the price of oil during the early years of the Obama administration did more to entice the world to use fracking than anything Clinton may have said as Secretary of State. But people don't think when they repeat lies. Why would a woman being president be so frightening to some men? It is clear that people with money don't like changes to the status quo.
Be careful what you believe. There are a lot of people out there propagating false information for what they see as their own benefit, some may even be paid to tell you these lies. Remember this? News is scripted for the benefit of retailers, you think that scientists are immune to the need of money? Even women need money to survive in our society.
In science there is nothing wrong with developing theories, theories need to be tested to be proven correct. Always figure out what your assumptions are.