She then taught you have to talk - can you imagine not being able to talk?
She stopped you from killing yourself as you crawled about the house. She fed you, taught you how to act like a civilized being.
She did this for years and without pay.
And all of this costs money.
Men seem to think women shouldn't be paid to be mothers, in fact society thinks women should do this for love and her husband should support her while she is being a mother. Under this model, children must be born in wedlock and wives and children were the property of a man.
That's just fine if the woman is married. That's just fine if the husband keeps his job while she is raising her children. That's just fine if she's independently wealthy. But the bottom-line is that shit happens. Husbands die, husbands leave and husbands lose their jobs. Some men are just irresponsible. Some people think its then up to relatives to step in. Sometimes relatives do step in; and sometimes relatives do NOT.
The raising of the next generation is that society's problem. The whole point of society is the perpetuation of society and that society fails if it refuses to care about the well being of the next generation. It is not acceptable to not support mothers while they are raising their kids.