The cruelty of this is that when women who desperately want children have miscarriages they can be totally inconsolable, so compounding the death of a desperately wanted child to being accused of trying to murder that child is horrific.
In this silly personhood debate is people have lost sight of the personhood of the woman who is pregnant and forget that the fetus is only a potential person. Each embryo is a genetic experiment that has a high chance of dying - I have estimated before from estimates on wikipedia that there is a 1/10 chance of a fetus dying of natural causes during pregnancy if the mother is under 35 years of age to 45% for women over the age of 40.
The wiki article goes onto say 20%-50% of all conceptions fail without the woman even knowing she was pregnant. The fetus, a genetic experiment, fails very commonly.
Yet at least 380 women have been thrown into jail for awful reasons while being pregnant, because they assume the woman is trying to harm the fetus. And when they are giving birth while in prison may be shackled despite it being illegal.
If you believe that conception is a miracle, then I posit that god would turn up and hand the baby in person rather than make women endure pregnancy. By this logic miscarriage must be god performing abortions. Women endure child birth like any other mammal and because we are merely animals, a fetus is just another genetic experiment.
The glorification of babies teaches us how far removed we have come from the reality of our animal nature. It was probably less than a century ago, women would regularly have ten children and three would die before their first birthday.