First of all, some men are learning for the first time that there are boundaries in dealing with women - and this may be the first time men have been exposed to those boundaries. Most men will accept they should respect women especially in the workplace - and as a result most women believe in giving second chances.
Which Hillary Clinton did when dealing with her advisor on the campaign. She warned the advisor and acted.
What I am worried about is that we don't want to necessarily become overzealous in ostracizing men who need to learn respect and appropriate behavior in dealing with women. But if a man continues to screw up by transgressing those boundaries, after being warned and fails to act more appropriately then we issue harsher penalties, like ostracization and/or sacking.
So I agree with giving men second chances.
But I don't know what I'd do in Clinton's situation. Hindsight as we know is 2020. At the time Clinton was continually hit by sexism she probably didn't want to look overzealous and potentially alienating men. I don't know what her real reason for not dealing more harshly with the guy beyond the 'opus' she later penned in response.
But I hear and understand the 'primal scream' Ruth Marcus speaks of. And probably after the treatment Clinton endured, she no doubt feels the primal scream more than most of us.
Yes, probably most women have been harassed. I know I have been to the point where I am terrified, whether it is getting help from a passing man to open my apartment door who then turns around and asked for sex - to jogging in sweats at 6am and being asked for sex, to being chased across traffic by men who thought I wasn't polite enough when I refused him sex... and these are just some of the instances where I have been terrified of men.
And if it's not just to deliver sex, it's all the 'you're stupid', 'wrong', 'you don't know what you're talking about' when in fact it's the man who has no idea what he's talking about.
Probably every single woman has that primal scream in her.
Similarly I know a lot of men are respectful, charming and wonderful. My husband being one of them, along with many other honorable men.
Most women do agree about second chances as did this poor woman who had the unfortunate date with Aziz Ansari and that second chance turned out to be a mistake.
Most women know men are generally okay - but once they violate their second chance then we know that the man is neither honorable or a decent human being.
So given that women understand men need warnings before complete ostracization I can only assume that attacking Clinton for not sacking this guy is just sexism against Clinton. Women make mistakes too so if we can forgive men, why can't we forgive women? Seems like Trump has been forgiven and he admits to having no respect for women.
Catherine Deneuve also doesn't like #MeToo because she is equal to men and deserves equal pay, but other women aren't, thinks it's fine if men pester women, I'd love to see how that'd pan out for her if she was being stalked or having her pussy grabbed. Yes men can ask a woman for sex or a date or a relationship and if she says no, then he needs to walk away.
Men do not have the right to harass women.