Socrates, probably the biggest brat in history, allowed himself to be martyred on the idea of the state. Similarly Christians were martyred for their ideas on religion and some of them are remembered as saints.
The idea of dying for your ideas on religion is all too common, even with Socrates death, he was accused of not believing in the gods of the state.
These days I wonder how many women have allowed themselves to be martyred to the holy fetus because they have been convinced by religious zealots that their fetus is more important than the lives of the mothers.
Pregnancies often go awfully wrong and the women will die if she doesn't get an abortion but religious zealots have convinced gullible women that she must not get an abortion. It seems that this phenomena is under-reported but I assume it is happening given the zealotry of the anti-abortion brigade. The maternal death rate in the US is the highest of all developed countries, and while some of that can be laid at the feet of how expensive health care is in the US, it is very possible that some of it is the result of women being convinced they should die rather than abort.
We know that women are denied abortions in some countries, and these people should be put on murder charges denying a woman a life saving operation. There have been moves within the US to allow hospitals to refuse necessary operations.
This is an awful statement of how little value women's lives are. There is no rationale behind the denial of the abortion. It's not like the human race is on the verge of extinction, we have the technology to perform safe abortions and the woman is already a functioning member of society whereas the fetus will take years to be a functioning member of society and will take another adult human's time and care for many years to allow it to operate in society.
I find it bizarre that people will willingly die for an idea, the idea that a fetus is so important it is better to lose the life of the mother than terminate the potential human being, despite both dying with the continuing pregnancy. We are nothing but mammals and we are definitely not on the verge of extinction. Babies are not miracles, if they were God would turn up Himself and hand the baby over without the mother having to endure pregnancy like every other mammal.