The odd thing is we always give allowances for men's appearances. Its so seldom we comment upon the appearance of men and it is truly unfair, like when Gingrich was in the race for republican nomination for the 2012 election, it was never commented upon how ugly the guy was/is. Same with Bill Gates and the dude who started facebook. If these guys were girls, guys all over the world would be falling all over themselves joking about how ugly they are.
At times when I'd mentioned Gingrich's ugliness on twitter, guys were aghast I could be so trivial.
Yet women's appearance, weight, armpit/leg hair, clothes, vagina's and uteruses are all up for public discussion. Men's appearance, clothes, penises, balls, asses, body hair are not up for public discussion.
The point of this post is that when we discuss what is on the inside, we always associate it with women. 'A pretty face doesn't make a pretty heart'... that kind of nonsense. Its like women come in two, and only two, flavours. They are beautiful and vain & stupid OR they are plain and nice. Clever is optional but only for plain women.
And making beautiful women stupid and vain is supposed to console the plain women with big hearts? I don't see why it should console anyone. Beautiful women are more likely to be treated like ornaments and get trotted out to impress whoever like they are well trained dogs, too stupid to understand more than simple commands.
If you are going to make statements about judging books by covers apply it to men, where we allow all men to have all options. Our society permits men to be good looking and/or intelligent and/or ugly all the way through.
Jane Austen makes a point of saying in several of her novels that peoples (especially women's) appearance improves on better acquaintance.
We women are so harsh on ourselves and our appearance. We women should learn to be more accepting of ourselves and part of this is buying into sexism. Men don't care so much about women's weight as women do. Indeed it seems to me, it is women who put these unrealistic expectations on women about their weight and appearance. If anything, women dress to impress other women.