Most of these secrets involve women and especially rape. Women don't tell of their experiences because they are taught to feel ashamed and men, well men would never admit to being raped and would never admit raping anyone.
If you listen to mainstream discussion, they will say there are no rapes, all rapes are made up. We know rape is made up because women recant their accusations of rape all the time, they do it to hurt men, don't they.
Recently a number of women have told me of their rape experiences. These are rapes, no one even bothers to mention how many times they've been subjected to sexual assault.
Most women don't want to discuss their rapes because people will start evaluating whether they think it was rape, something they are prone to do. Women seldom report their rapes because they will get letters in the mail saying the police have decided not to prosecute their case despite DNA samples and photos of bruises. Men giving their bros alibis for when the incident occurred. Or women not getting a blood sample done in time to prove she was given date rape drugs. Or the FBI not even bothering to process over one million rape kits. And by some miracle you do get a prosecution getting a real sentence for the rapists, because the 14 year old brought the attack upon herself, or herself, because he is too rich, or no prison time..., or Steubenville, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
So the woman gets raped, she gets a rape kit done which may or may not be examined, she goes to court and is treated like she is guilty because she is the victim (what was she wearing? was she drunk?) and yet she is only doing it to hurt the guy? What is the downside for a man raping a woman? As far as I can tell, there is none. He MIGHT have to go to court and then he might get a tap on the wrist.
Yet last night I was told that it was a woman's responsibility if she is raped. And some guys all gathered together to tell me so. They call themselves libertarians too. Its amazing how libertarians treat women's bodies as a commons.
It occurs to me that if so many women have been raped there are a lot of men out there who are rapists because I think its very unlikely only one or two men are doing all the raping. It makes me wonder about all these men who deny rape statistics. Perhaps they are ashamed of their gender and don't want to believe the truth about other men. Or they have something more to hide and they deny something they did was rape. I think we should take a longer look at men who deny rape statistics.
Another secret is that men get raped too. While it is possible for women to rape men, lets be honest, men are also raped by men as well. Perhaps this is the biggest secret of all. Women are raped so they rape men and men rape men and great circle of silent sexual violence continues. Our homes are supposed to be a sanctuary.
I have the impression men think women's bodies are a commons, that women are there purely as ornaments that they can use for sex if they find them attractive enough and ridicule them if they aren't. And this is possibly why they don't want women in the workplace because men think of women only useful for sex and it gets distracting for the men.
Of course this is a generalization about men. A lot of men realize women are conscientious and intelligent workers who get the job done and are cheaper to employ than men. But an organization that employs more men is more powerful, because they aren't being distracted by women and women aren't as powerful.
Another secret is that women's breasts serve a real purpose, the production of milk for their offspring, which is dangerously close to something men would love to do and that's pornographic. This is why women are not allowed to breast feed in public. Women's breasts are only really valid in our society as ornaments.
Women getting periods, women having body hair, women having menopause, and smells are all a secret. I think this is because a woman's age is the biggest secret of all. We only really want to think of women as per-pubescent, hence as young girls who have no real personal power, inexperienced, immature and trivial. As we know from hurricanes with women's names causing so much damage because apparently we don't treat them seriously.
Women should ever expect to enjoy sex, but once they've had sex they are always lusting after men, as women accusing a man of raping her are put on trial when they accuse a man of raping her, "she must have been asking for it".
But more secrets are that some men are really bad at sex I've heard. Men actually do seek relationships with women because women make good friends. Men fear we won't praise them enough, they need to impress women. Men are very afraid they can't live up to their reputation.