But we also socialize risk when we trust in God. If things go bad for a group of individuals we can blame their relationship with god for their situation rather than take responsibility for their circumstances ourselves. We should have instead "In Ourselves We Trust" because it is us that have the ability to act and do something to help ourselves and other people.
We should trust in ourselves to do the right thing. If things go bad we get to say God wanted it this way and He was punishing those people for some reason. Instead we are the cause for letting things be the way they are because we didn't act.
In reality it is only us who act - we the people (can) act - we should trust ourselves to make the right decisions, we the people should pledge allegiance to ourselves.
There is pretty much nothing we can't do if we work together, we can solve our problems, we can fix most things. We should learn to trust ourselves, rather than shrug it off and say "it's not my problem, it's their relationship with God and His plan for them".
Acts of god are random events we can't control, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes happen and are caused by living here on earth and our interaction with the environment. We may be able to impact the environment by reducing CO2 and stop fracking, but it's unlikely we'll be able to eliminate them completely.
Then there are accidents, random occurrences as things fall apart because humans make mistakes, or sneeze when they drive, or have heart attacks, because they are animals apt to die.
We pretend we are not animals and think that God is making everything happen "for a reason" and this may be comforting for some, but really it's just random stuff happening that we have little control over.