Power, control, domination, courtesy, submissiveness are all part of the human condition.
Part of the very oldest part of the human brain is the very famous amygdala. Its where we get our fight, flight or negotiate traits from. If its big and angry looking, run. If its small and you're hungry, fight. If we're both the same size then negotiate.
Information from our eyes passes straight to the amygdala before ever making it to the primary visual cortex - why? If its big and huge and coming straight towards you, you'll have more time to get out of its way, because the cortex pretends to be the rational part of the brain. Its the part that thinks about things and generally wastes time giving names to things and performing abstractions. Very civilized and intellectual, but not very useful when a herd of buffalo are heading straight for you.
My point is we are predisposed to hierarchical structures based on millenia of evolution. Dogs, males of species which organize, of which human men are examples. Every new job I've taken its been my pleasure to watch men, regardless of position in the company, form hierarchies.
The best marriages I've seen, have always had the woman in the position of power. Research has shown that the best marriages permit the women to figure out what needs to be done and the man happily obeys. (I do have references for all my stuff, i just don't know how to add links yet and I am not sure I can be bothered at the moment to find the link.) This is often why men who cheat don't get divorced. They are still committed to their wives. As an aside, women tend to form equalities and cooperate as equals to perform tasks.
The formation of groups by men have been a problem for society since probably we humans climbed down from the trees. Even now groups of men coalesce to form armies in various countries which go around raping & killing women and children, destroying property and creating fear. Whether its in Africa or Afghanistan, the mafia, gangs of disaffected youth, these groups cause problems for others.
Without police forces instituted by the government, there would be no way to control them.
The best way to solve problems of this nature is always to increase the power women have. However when men have power, as with any group with power, it is harder to get them to surrender or give up some of their power when they are used to having it. And men's power originally derives from their being physically stronger and more violent than women. Men are more likely to engage in violent criminal activities. From this, all men benefit, despite the fact that most men I know are not violent and would never consider being so. Nevertheless, serial killers are always the people we least expect them to be. Women must always be guarded when they are with unfamiliar males, despite the general safety of American streets.
In our society, there will always be people who have more power than others. The main point is to have a benevolent government in tune with the needs of the country to ensure the well being of the people, that will enforce rules that preserve the sanctity of women's self determination, protect them and ensure their rights, along with the safety and well being of all the people of the country.
If a government is no longer acting in the best interests of the people we must take back our government and make it work for us again.