I was dealing with trolls on a trending topic on twitter: #TellAFeministThankYou
So when dealing with the trolls I said, amongst other things, statements like:
#TellAFeministThankYou for making it obvious @x has a small penis and isn't worth sleeping with.
To this a male 'friend' took exception and blocked me and left me a note saying he 'didn't appreciate comments about guys with small dicks' while telling me how he's always supported women's rights.
Another of my male friends saw me dealing with these trolls and disappeared off to facebook.
I told my husband about this and he laughed which made me leave a comment like: #TellAFeministThankYou for making it obvious I married the right man.
Meanwhile the friend who disappeared to facebook started ignoring me and then a few days later I got an email from him saying: hey you should apologize to this other friend.
Huh? so I did some reconnaissance and the 'friend' who blocked me attacked the friend who disappeared to facebook calling me names and making it very clear he has a very small penis. (Who knew? If he'd kept his mouth shut there is no way I'd have ever known - seriously, it wasn't like we'd have ever gotten intimate and really, its a kinda metaphor for a man's ego.)
So the bottom-line girls is guys will demand you apologize for making fun of them being small in the under-pant department... even when other people are calling you names.
At the end of the day #TellAFeministThankYou for making it obvious which guys are worthwhile and which are not.