This is clearly not going to work in a country so enamoured of its guns as the US is. Gun manufacturers need their income after all. Naively, Americans think of it as their second amendment remedy. They think if the US government goes insane they'll be able to save themselves from their government, the government that controls the biggest military forces in the world.
I doubt the rag-tag people of America will be able to go against their own military. While it is possible they will all die against their military, it is doubtful the US will be able to hold onto the country in the long run. Despite Afghanistan and Iraq folding quickly to US forces, they weren't very successful at subduing the population but I have often wondered whether they are honing their skills against civilian militia by prolonging the wars in these countries in preparation, but for what?
The general US population is unprepared for large scale action against them so it makes them an easy target especially since they have little access to healthcare and the foods that the US govt permit its people is making them sick and fat thus they become even easier targets.
The reality is there is not enough mental healthcare available to weed out the people responsible for taking guns into school, cinemas, work, where ever to suicide by rampage.
The other major cause of gun fatalities is the drug war, and possibly ending the drug war would prevent many of them.
Women having guns may help women against rapists, but honestly if I was being raped, I would prefer to taser the guy. I don't want the added complication of whether I murdered someone who was trying to assault me. I just don't want to be raped. And personally I don't like the stand your ground laws.
But the above cartoon has some chilling statistics on guns in the home. In my post about domestic violence, more women have died at the hands of their partners than all the people who have died in the war on terror.
However, the US military gives soldiers intense training before they are given guns. I don't understand why the same isn't required of people wanting to buy guns, kind of like the requirement to learn how to drive a car before getting a driving license. Also before buying a gun, you should be required to submit to a mental examination to find out whether you are abusing your wife or likely to go on a killing rampage before being allowed to even do the required training course. Gun licenses should be renewed every year and each person should be re-evaluated each year to see whether they are still mentally fit to own and use the gun.
Each gun you own should require a separate license.