This also works for groups of people. Society bully's groups of people by targeting one example, such as the mother who lost sight of her son and a gorilla was shot to protect the boy. Thereby telling mothers that they are less important than endangered species.
Young women are also another group that is targeted, if they dress in a way that is considered 'too slutty' and she gets raped - then she was, you know, asking for it... or if she was drinking, or out by herself... at night.
Women are also targeted for murder charges, just pretty much any show on Investigation discovery, they'll tell you how evil women are, all of them - all women belong in jail - just in case some innocent man happens to be targeted by one of them. At the moment they are also targeting JonBenet Ramsay's mom. Although occasionally it is a black man who killed someone. (I often wonder if this channel is owned and operated by the private prison industrial complex.)
Which is odd because statistics demonstrate if a man is going to murder he is 3x more likely to kill a man than he is likely to kill a woman. Women perform less than 10% of all murders. If a man is raped, he is more likely to be raped by a male (I don't know what is considered female rape of men, whether it is using his erection while he is asleep or anal penetration without consent, or perhaps it's both - I don't know.)
Men experience more violence at the hands of men.
Men are 3-5x also more likely to suicide than women.
You could argue men have a men problem. But what I think is men have an age problem. They aren't high on the pecking order, the hierarchy, they still feel vulnerable to other men higher in the pecking order. They feel afraid because they have been told to suck it up, they have been told that they should hide their feelings when clearly they feel very afraid and vulnerable. Violence is a very important device for pushing people lower down the social pecking order.
Once when men get older they come into their power.
So who don't we blame ever - rich old men - famous men - or rich white good looking men - or good looking men or athletes unless they aren't fully white. These people are extremely unlikely to go to prison, but usually do the worst crimes, like destroying the economy, destroying people's lives, starting wars to make money, poisoning water, polluting the environment...
We have some serious issues in our society.
Gender stereotypes of boys having to be brave and emotionless and the pecking order. If we could solve these problems we as a society would be so much better off.
The other problem is misplaced attention. Boys must struggle hard to get our attention. Women/girls have to do very little to get our attention. We are constantly monitoring and policing the behavior of women and neglecting boys completely even and especially when they behave badly. The bad behavior of boys is attention seeking.