If you have kids but no computer in the house your kids will be at a disadvantage. If you aren't on the internet or have a presence on the internet you probably won't be able to get a job because employees will probably look you up on the internet.
We have had some very frightening events occur in the past century. The development of so much new technology, from the changing face of warfare to technology in our homes, medicine and the rights of those who previously had few or none. But even more subtle, the change of the millennium, where tech heads were warning of the breakdown of all computers because of the Y2K problem, amongst the usual fearsome bunch of religious nuts, where another year is just another excuse for another apocalypse that won't happen. For 1000 years, we've been 1x00, now we are 20xx. Its enough to scare the hell out of those of us who are most afraid. I know they are just numbers, but some people even have an irrational fear of numbers and some even brag about being incompetent at math to their friends.
I think we are seeing a massive backlash in women's rights, education, and science because those of who want a supernatural way of accounting for our existence, "christians"1 are clutching at their Bibles because of those who are afraid to think and what it might lead too. I think the racism exhibited towards President Obama is a result of irrational fear of things changing so much, the rights of women being able to determine their lives, and science is the main culprit. "Christians" are imposing their version of reality upon government.
Because we've had massive shocks to the psyche lately I think people are casting around in desperation for some of the certainties and irrational-isms from their childhood.
While I am not fearful of this being an ongoing trend because many "christians" are embracing all this new technology and the internet. Some people are clinging to their hatreds and as a substitute for the fear of having their worlds turned upside-down by these shocks. But social dynamics are changing too. People of both sides of the debate are connecting with each other. Commonly in shouting matches, but they are exchanging ideas and hopefully they will come to see some of each others thoughts.
1. "Christians" are those who loudly proclaim their righteousness rather than actually being christian.