And no doubt even telling them to wear a mask causes them to issue death threats to those who advocate the wearing of face masks. Dr Fauci has now had to hire private security guards to protect him and his family from those who didn't like his message that people should wear a face mask.
What I find staggering is that they themselves may find it invasive to be told to wear a mask with complaints that it supposedly limits oxygen, although this is a myth that has been thoroughly debunked - yet will turn around and demand women not get an abortion; is there anything more invasive than demanding a woman completely inconvenience herself for an unwanted fetus? Women routinely die as a result of child birth - it is a dangerous process, although abortion is very much risk free despite their propaganda. While unsafe abortion regularly kills women.
Can you imagine if these people who refuse to wear face masks had to endure an unwanted pregnancy?
The irony is if the woman has an abortion 2 streets down it has no affect on you, the person demanding she doesn't have an abortion. If the woman doesn't wear a face mask it may kill you. Similarly, if you don't wear a face mask, you may kill her whether she has an abortion or not - and that should be negligent homicide.