In this universe, I don't assign blame. It seems to me that circumstances may be beyond our control especially when there is no intention to do bad. I believe out of pretty much anything some good can come of it. I pretty much believe it'll always work out in the end and even then I think there are worse things than death.
I started reading The Tibetan Book of the Dead and got half way through, thought, yes I understand this is the truth.
Therefore I have lived my life thinking no action performed by a person was ever so bad that no good could come of it, that there are worse things than death, and that means I am less afraid of dying than somethings; and necessarily there is life after death.
Because I believe in a no blame universe, I believe we shouldn't go out of our way to hurt anyone. Do unto others... seems to be enlightened self-interest. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, love is the law, love under will. Milarepa is one of Tibet's favorite saints. He went on a revenge rampage killing people with his black magic.
Despite his misdeeds after serving his karma he achieved enlightenment.
Milarepa 'intended' to hurt people. I guess I have intended to hurt people too, when I have felt hurt. But did Wall St intend to hurt thousands/millions of people when they were doing their subprime loaning? Probably not, they just didn't care. Don't get me wrong, those crooks deserve all they get. But the system was set up to let them get away with it and while it is set up that way we can only expect it to happen again because they have no incentive to behave better.
Some people are big on assigning blame. And I am sure my flakiness drives people insane. Could I be a lot less flakey? Definitely but then I'd be a lot less like me and there are many things beyond my control. Things don't always turn out the way they were expected too. I try to plan as best as I can.
Recently a friend was given some rope he could've leveraged to my benefit but he didn't and now I realize he didn't see the opportunity. I guess I should've pointed it out to him but I assumed he would see it. I was furious. I blamed him for everything. I wrote the nastiest emails to him. But it didn't make me feel better. My long suffering friend started blaming me. In the end the opportunity was lost and no one feels better for it and the assigning of blame turns out to be futile, although perhaps it clarified for me I should never assume what another person realizes.
I was once offered a job on Wall St. I didn't take the job for a number of reasons, including the application is boring. It doesn't help anyone but the gamblers on Wall St. Its one of the most futile things I can think of. Money is nice, but in itself its really uninteresting. What interests me is learning about the universe, being with people I love and care about.
When do we assign blame - when people don't care that they've hurt people and will likely to it again. When people hurt others but really don't want to - they probably need love or help. When people make mistakes based on what was beyond their control - do we blame them, did they want to make the mistake? Could they help it? Then they still just need your love and help.