One woman said she needed space (time) to be creative but she had to communicate with a usually absent room mate because she felt obligated to pick up the slack. I felt her pain - I know I need time to prepare to write code and pursue my various creative activities.
Women form a fundamental glue by communicating with other members of society. Communication is essential to the nature of human existence - we need one another - but men, although they feel this, seldom if at all acknowledge it or those who provide this essential service, and then it's expected.
Like having babies and raising them - it's just expected - it's not an important service - IE to the economy - raising children is raising those that will inherit the economy and society. Those children will be taking care of you when you retire one day - yet women take those children and teach them language, teach them to dress, use the bathroom and manners. It is a vital service for our society. If men had to raise children there wouldn't be enough money to pay them to do so. Similarly if men provide the service of entertainment - they are paid way more to provide this service than women usually ever are. Look at late night talk show hosts - are any of them female? (I don't know - I seldom watch late night talk shows)
It is men who get to close the door on the rest of the world when they are finished communicating so they can then prepare to create something. This is why there are the Eulers, Descartes, Newtons, Fermats... men who felt the urge to think and write their ideas down. These men were infrequent enough, but they had that time because they didn't have to provide services expected from them like entertainment and child raring. And if a woman ever felt the urge to think and write her ideas down they were forgotten because we just expected it and forgot that they'd ever existed in the first place.